Friday, November 8, 2019

History of Minority Populations in the Child Welfare System Essays

History of Minority Populations in the Child Welfare System Essays History of Minority Populations in the Child Welfare System Kemp S.P., Marcenko M.O., Hoagwood K., Vesneski W. (2009). Engaging parents in child welfare services: bridging family needs and child welfare mandates. Child Welfare, 88(1): 101-26 (85 ref). Retrieved on June18, 2011, from CINAHL database This article relates to the focus of keeping parental engagement and integration for proximal child welfare of well-being, safety, and permanency; along with maintaining the integrity, policy, research and practice of core services through various framework priorities. Practicing child welfare involves helping families through struggles and issues, understanding of cultural factors, effective communication, research and seek necessary solutions for issues, knowledge of policies and practices, avoid negative judgment, and develop cost-effective and typology practical strategies. The article also covers appropriate practices and responsibilities from birth parents, foster parents, case workers, organizations involvement for required child welfare by seeing through difficulties and differences in cultural factors such as colored or immigrant families. In addition, parents can effectively get involved by obtaining necessary training and guidance to overcome issues, along with substance abuse interventions to help balance and develop overall healthy positive mental health and perspectives in their children. Sallee, D., Redican, K., Lawson, G., & Bodenhorn, N. (2009). Parent and Youth Perceptions Regarding Drug Use. Vahperd Journal, 10. Retrieved on June18, 2011, from Academic OneFile database¤tPosition=1&userGroupName=uphoenix&docLevel=&docId=A206689472&noOfPages=3 This article expresses the results based on a research study by the Youth Risk Behavior Survey; which reveals the circumstances, health risks, and dangers of drug abuse from children of young ages and how parents overestimated their presumption on the amount of alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana the children were using in a given month. The survey mainly covers the Southwest Virginia community and suggests that drug abuse has posed an unfortunate issue amongst the children ranging from middle school through high school. In addition, the survey also reveals that majority of these students have experimented with alcohol, tobacco, inhalants, prescription/OTC drugs, cocaine, and marijuana at least once. Although some parents have disapproved and consulted with their kids about the risks and dangers involved in using the drugs; problems of drug abuse and over usage continues to raise a significant problem within their community. Recommendations to help aid the situation are educational programs and curricula centers on substance abuse for the parents and children. Waites, C., Macgowan, M. J., Pennell, J., Carlto-Laney, I., & Weil, M. (2004). Increasing the Cultural Responsiveness of Family Group Conferencing. Child Welfare, 49(2), 291-300. Retrieved on June18, 2011, from ProQuest Central database This article was constructed based on the Family Group Conferencing (FGC) in North Carolina to help people understand how to achieve cultural guidance and partnership amongst the African American, Latino, and Indians in the communities. Also, FGC additional intentions were to reach out to other communities and inspire more of a cultural diversity statewide to join the fight in supporting child welfare and help families thorough their problems and struggles. In providing bilingual and bicultural staff members, FGC has been effective in sheltering children?s rights, establishing joint problem solving with cultural collaborations, providing cultural strategies for better practices, and improving cultural receptiveness. Not only has this article describes how the program has been successful in connecting and providing unity to the families of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds together; they have also managed to improve multicultural issues and maintain the values and traditions in all cultures within their communities.

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